Cosmetic products do not require approval; however, within the context of its duty of care the manufacturer or importer has to comply with a large number of regulations in order to place safe products on the market.
We assist you in compliance matters:
- Verification of product composition with regard to specifically regulated ingredients such as preservatives, UV filters, fragrances that can trigger allergies and the requirements made of natural cosmetic products
- Labelling: review and preparation of draft labels including selection of appropriate INCI designations
- Effectiveness: scientific research and evaluation of studies and possibilities of mentioning them on labels and in advertising
- Contents of product dossier and advice on safety evaluations
- Verification of marketability
We file the requisite notifications to the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit) and the Central Office for Information on Poisons (Giftinformationszentrale).