Brussels, 12.11.2011
Approval of new food additives - Reg. 1129/2011 - 1130/2011 - 1131/2011
By 12
November 2011 the Annexes of the Regulation on Food Additives 1333/2008 have been
completed. There is less change with regard to the majority of additives since
the Annex II containing the admitted additives to date will come into force not
until the 1st July 2013.
Exempt are the new additive “Basic
Methacrylate Copolymer” (E 1205), an innovative glazing agent for solid food
supplements, an alternative to shellac, and the longtime discussed steviol
glycosides (E 960) as sweetener. These additives may already be used from 2nd
December 2011 on. Another new topic is the fact that carriers and additives for
food additives, enzymes, flavours, and nutrients are regulated (Annex III).
this last innovative within the “Food Improvement Agents Package” (FIAP) will
really enhance food safety has to be shown.